Jersey Shore fuhgeedaboudit, come on Big Apple

For the crews of our flotilla (Jagger, Journey, Chipmonk, Mila Vera, and Thistle) this stop will be “memorable”.   We spent the Memorial day watching the boats go in and out of the inlet under the rail road bridge. It was a parade of craziness and we had a front row view.


The town has lovely homes to bike around but we spent time watching the Memorial Day “parade” of boaters  from our fixed “T” dock on the main water highway through the inlet.  The large tidal change and strong current just added to the experience.  We watched sports fishermen, families, party boats and ferries all day go through the rusty commuter train bridge.  Brian got a complete understanding of the boating subculture of the Jersey Shore!

The highlight for me had to be provisioning and lunch with my BFF Randi who took a car full of Looper ladies to shop and got a taste of Looper life.