Joe Wheeler State Park

A quick blog post to let you know we are alive and well, but very busy this week attending the AGLCA Fall Rendezvous.  We are here with hundreds of other Loopers and more boats coming in all day.  There are workshops, events, and of course dock tales.

Fall arrived after an evening of pouring rain and it was chilly until the sun came up today.

Shout out to the Loopers who came before us who recommended these two products.  There are ALOT of bugs on some nights.  The Thermacell keeps most away when we are outside and the Zapper provides Ellen with an enormous amount of entertainment as she counts kills inside at night.



  1. Ann P

    Yay for the party with fellow Loopers! Eeewww regarding the bugs!! Thanks for checking in—I sleep better knowing you two are okay

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