Beautiful Beaufort, S.C. (the “bew” Beaufort)

In full disclosure I loved Beaufort before we got here because of the “Big Chill House” so I’ll just get that out of the way (since we went there first).  Its beautiful from the street even with the fence but the real treat was the view from the water as we left.

But honestly, the entire town is filled with homes from this time period.  We went to the arsenal and heard a great history talk from one of the volunteers.  Highly recommend.

There are ~18 churches in downtown Beaufort.  Most of the churches were closed when we were there but we went inside one.

We stayed in a mooring field just off of the town, we could hear the church bells.  We were just across the marsh from some of the buildings we walked by today.

After we left Beaufort, we saw an eagle sitting on the mile marker.  He wasn’t happy we bothered him and he flew right in front of the boat and off to the trees.